Terms & Conditions

  1. All vehicles must be supplied with the requisite tool for locking wheel nuts and other special tools for wheel removal & fitting where applicable. 2. All customers vehicles left on our premises are fully insured for accidental damage, fire & theft. We accept no responsibility for existing damage or bad condition. Any vehicle checked into our premises will be subject to a damage assessment. We accept no responsibility for personal belongings left in vehicles or any mechanical faults such as ignition problems, hand brake failure, strange engine noises, electrical failure etc. 3. We endeavour to provide a same day service where possible; this can only be guaranteed if: The car or wheels are delivered to our workshop before 9am-The wheels do not contain any hidden defects that may delay the repair process-Same day service cannot be guaranteed on split wheels, two tone finish, special custom or if the wheels are bigger than 19”. 4. All customers will be contacted before any additional work is carried out e.g., straightening or welding. We reserve the right not to complete a repair if we believe that the wheel will not be safe on completion. Wheels that have been badly damaged e.g., badly bent and cracked may never perform as well as they originally did. 5. We can refurbish wheels to the highest standard; however, in some cases where wheels are very badly damaged, have poor casting, have been poorly repaired previously or have excessive corrosion (can become apparent when old finish is removed) it can be difficult to obtain our usual perfect finish. Please bear in mind the cost of replacing the wheel and appreciate work done to a high-quality finish at a fraction of the cost. 6. We guarantee our workmanship for 36 months on our powder coat painted and diamond cut polished finish and split rims (this guarantee does not apply to polished surface without lacquer or with wet lacquer type if this is only the option to refinish the wheel for e.g., Smart repair). The guarantee covers the re-appearance and the quality/durability of our coatings. It does not cover intentional or accidental damage, the use of knock-on weights, kerbing, stone chips, off road driving, use of chemicals cleaners other than Alloy Fix recommends and fair wear & tear. A valid receipt or invoice is required for the warranty to stand. After a warranty claim an inspection will take place. If damage to the structure or finish is detected this will void the warranty.
    If you are immediately not happy with our workmanship, we will undertake the repair again if this is still possible or a refund equal to the portion of the invoice price representing the unsatisfactory repair. Any refund or liability shall be limited to a maximum of the amount quoted on the estimate or invoice. ALLOY FIX will not be liable for any consequential loss incurred as a result of a repair. It is incumbent on you to keep a receipt as proof of work carried out. Any warranty claim made without a receipt shall be at ALLOY FIX’s discretion. The ALLOY FIX guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. Please note that certain high gloss finishes such as Chrome effect finish, Shadow Chrome, Platinum Silver, High Power Silvers or Ghost & Gloss Black show blemishes more readily (depending on the condition of the wheels). In some of these cases we cannot guarantee a perfect finish, this is normally only noticeable on close inspection and not noticeable when wheel is on the car. 7. Wheels that require hairline crack welded on the inner rim have a limited guarantee as they may crack again, not necessarily in the same place and for the same reason. Wheels crack usually as a result of potholed roads or driving on flat tyres especially run flat tyres caused of e.g., screw puncture in the tyre. Hence limited guarantee it’s difficult to determine what was the reason of the wheel cracking. (We guarantee to perform a good quality workmanship welding the repaired wheel/material using best practise and our long experience gathered over many years). 8. Please note during the wheel straightening process we cannot guarantee the best results every time due to differences in materials used by manufacturers and can be determined on attempt also there is a risk of wheel cracking doing this. In this situation we offer to weld at extra cost with customers permission or not to finish the job with no charge.  Any refund or liability shall be limited to a maximum of the amount quoted on the estimate or invoice. ALLOY FIX will not be liable for any consequential loss incurred as a result of a repair.
  2. In many cases tyre pressure sensor equipment can cause problems. We may have to cut the valve core and replace it. This leaves the sensor intact. In some cases, un-professional tyre fitters have already broken the sensors during previous repairs, we take no responsibility for such damage. If we become aware of any additional problems we will contact the customer before taking any action to inform of additional costs.10. Resetting TPMS sensors. ALLOY FIX does not take responsibility for resetting any vehicle computers used for monitoring tyre pressure. Owners should refer to their vehicle manual for guidance. We do our best to help with this process by setting the tyre pressure correctly and advising what to do next. In some cases, TMPS sensors may cause an issue when your wheel is replaced on the car even though it did not have a problem when you first came in. This is a common problem is normally because of a bad battery. This can be fixed at an extra cost. The standard rubber valves are free of charge with the refurbishment but specialist valves such as metal ones can be requested at extra cost. The original metal valves can be refitted if in good condition at customers request but we do not take responsibility for leaks resulting from re-fitting old valves. 
    We recommend replacing the valve steam after each removal or at least servicing them with service kit available these days, please ask for details. 11. We take great care to ensure all wheels refitted are correctly tighten up to recommended torque, however it is recommended, and this is customer responsibility to check all wheel bolts/nuts for tightness after 30 miles of driving. 12. We reserve the right to refuse re-fitting illegal or defected tyres. If such tyres are fitted at the customer’s request is their responsibility. We can supply replacement tyres on request. 13. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with your finished wheel please contact us and we will do our best to resolve any problems. 14. Vehicles/Wheels will not be released until payment has been received. Wheels not collected after 60 days will be sold to recoup costs, unless prior arrangement has been made. A storage fee of £25 pounds will be applied to cost of the repairs if customers fails to make contact with Alloy Fix after 7 days of the estimated due date. If you the customer also has our loan wheel/ wheels an additional charge of £25 will be applied. E.g. if a customer has not returned our call or tried to contact us. Or has made contact but has not returned to collect their wheels a fee of £25 per day will be applied from 7 days after the job completing. If a customer also has loan wheels there will be an additional charge of £50 per days 7 days after the job is complete.All wheels sold by ALLOY FIX LTD are colour matched as close as possible to their original colour using powder coating unless otherwise stated. However, ALLOY FIX LTD do not guarantee an 100% colour match.

“Loan Wheels” are individual wheels or a set of wheels that are provided to customers while their own wheels are being refurbished or repaired by us.

The wheels that we loan to customers are valued at their potential resale value.

All loan wheels will be in roadworthy condition, although may be cosmetically imperfect and have signs of non-structural damage and wear. Any wheel left with us for refurbishment or repair that remain uncollected after 30 days (of the customer being notified that they are ready) will be disposed of.

‘Disposed of’ for the purposes of paragraph above means that the wheels will be sold as soon as practicable, for the best return available to us at that time. In practice, this means that we will sell the wheels for whatever we can get for them.

The amount recovered from selling uncollected wheels is unlikely to cover the refurbishment work done AND the value of the loan wheels.

You, the customer, by agreeing to these terms, accept that ALLOY FIX LTD will use legal process to recover any debt arising due to a pre-authorisation charge being insufficient to cover loss to ALLOY FIX LTD in the event of non – collection of your wheels and/or non – return of loan wheels. You the customer, by agreeing to these terms, agree that you will meet the actual costs incurred by us in legal fees Court fees, in the event that we have to take steps to recover money owed, whether such steps include the issue of Court proceedings or not (indemnity basis).

It is the customer’s responsibility to inspect loan wheels and tyres for roadworthiness, including any requirements under the Road Traffic Act.

ALLOY FIX LTD assume no responsibility for, and you the customer remain responsible for, any punctures or tyre failure that occurs once you have left our premises. For clarification, any puncture will have to be dealt with as if it occurred when using your own wheel/tyres. ALLOY FIX LTD assume no responsibility for any damage or indirect damaged cause to the customers vehicle. For e.g., if a loan wheel rubs the inside of the arch liner. Or a loan wheel touch and scratches a brake caliper. Alloy Fix also assumes no responsibility for adverse effects on the car for using loan wheels. E.g. if the car is sitting slightly lower or higher then with the customer wheels. Or if the handling of the vehicle is affected with the loan wheels. It is the customer responsibility to check the loan wheels are suitable for the car and are in legal roadworthy condition. All loan wheels regardless of if they are the same as the wheels that have come of the car must be treated as spare wheels. This means that they are suitable only for local driving and speeds lower than 50 mph. if there is a problem with loan wheels or the vehicle it is the customer duty to bring the car back to store. If any damages for example cracks, buckles or cosmetic damage is found on the wheels when a customer returns Alloy Fix will charge the customer at normal prices for a repair. If the wheel is deemed not fixable a new wheel must be paid for by the customer.

Returns and refunds If you are a consumer, you have a legal right to cancel a Contract under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 within 14 days of receipt of Goods. This means that during the relevant period if you change your mind or decide for any other reason that you do not want to receive or keep the Goods, you can notify us of your decision to cancel the Contract and receive a refund. Alternatively, you are entitled to request an exchange within the same period of time and the provisions below also apply to exchanges. However, this cancellation right does not apply in the case of the following which may only be returned if they are faulty: personalised and made-to-order products (e.g. your refurbished wheels or wheels supplied by us that have been refurbished to order). We will under no circumstances be liable for any charges incurred by the customer relating to  third parties, whether for fitting our products or otherwise.

Warranty Refurbished wheels are warranted free of defective workmanship or materials for three years from when the work is completed. This warranty excludes physical damage that occurs after collection or delivery of the wheel, howsoever caused, and any corrosion subsequent to any such damage. Damage caused by inappropriate cleaning methods or products is not covered under warranty. ALLOY FIX LTD are not and do not hold themselves out to be vehicle engineers, and cannot guarantee in any way the integrity of any customer’s wheel, either before or after refurbishment. No warranty is given in relation to any repair involving welding.

No responsibility for damage caused to run flat tyres or sensor valves, which occurs during any required removal or refitting, will be accepted by ALLOY FIX LTD, due to the inherently high risk of damage to these items. All warranties are non-transferable and only apply for the original Customer. Wheels being repaired for welding or straightening will suffer some damaged due to the handling of the wheel or when the wheels are locked in the machine or during the repair service. Alloy Fix will not assume any liability for damages caused.


We shall under no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the customer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the contract. Our total liability to the customer in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the total price paid for the goods and/or services, and shall be conditional on any such loss being due to circumstances over which ALLOY FIX LTD might reasonably be expected to have control. Except as set out in these conditions, all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the contract.

We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for:
(a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
(c) any breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (title and quiet possession);
(d) any breach of the terms implied by section 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (description, satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and samples); and
(e) defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

We shall not be liable for any loss or other consequence caused by a product or service not being completed by an estimated due date. On occasion, and due to events outside our control, it is necessary to re-do work, where the final quality is not to our high standards. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control. An Event Outside Our Control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks or impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport.

Other important terms We may transfer our rights and obligations under a Contract to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Conditions. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Conditions to another person if we agree in writing. The Contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, subject to 11.2 above. Each of the paragraphs of these Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect. These terms are governed by English law. This means a Contract for the purchase of Goods through our Website and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by English law. These terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties.

Additional works During our refurbishment process it is common practise to fully inspect wheels after the wheels have been through the acid and shot blasting process. This is to ensure accuracy of the inspection. If additional works are found the customer will be notified straight away. The additional work is not included with in the estimated price on the hand over sheet. If cracks are found, we cannot continue the repair. Work carried out till this point and any loan wheels charges will apply. The work carried out till this point normally equates to £200. If buckles or warps are detected. We may be able to continue with the job if safe. We are not able to diamond cut wheels that are damaged. Buckled wheels may not balance correctly. We assume no responsibility in wheels that cannot be balanced. Once a job has started, we are not able to restore the wheels how they have come in. If you cancel a job midway through, we reserve the right to refuse putting the tyres back on wheels if we deem it unsafe or if we believe it will cause damage to the tyre or wheel.

Why Choose Alloy Fix?

UK's Number 1 Alloy Repairer

Alloy Fix has an abundance of 5 Star reviews and that shows a lot about the quality of work we produce.

Loan Wheels Available

If you use your car regularly then leaving your car may not be an option - We offer loan wheels so you can driveaway same day.

3 Year Warranty

Our Power coating and diamond cutting services come with a 3 Year Warranty as part of our premium alloy wheel service.

Expert Technicians

Talk to our expert technicians about your problem and will advise you on the best course of action.

99% of All Buckles & Welds Fixed

Our Expert team of repairers fix up to 99% of all Buckles or welds.

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